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Le Novita'  Corsi, Fiere Dizionario  Consulenza Gratis PRENOTA UNA VISITA

Fondazione di un'associazione che raggruppa tutte le associazioni di medicina tradizionale cinese europee
EUROTCM, fondazione e iscrizione






EUROTCM is an International association with legal incorporation.

This is approved by Royal Decree of October 23rd 2002, through the Belgian Federal Public Justice Service, (Directorate- General for Civil Legislation with responsibility for decisions concerning international associations and the establishment of public utilities), which:

(1)        grants the status of recognition as an International association with legal incorporation,  to the European Register of Organisations of Traditional Chinese Medicine (EUROTCM)

(2)                 approves the statutes of this association


Dear colleagues,                                                                                  Wednesday, October 15, 2003


The European Register of Associations of Traditional Chinese Medicine (EUROTCM) was established on 8th & 9th December 2001 in Vienna, Austria and immediately started its activities.

The principle of equal voice and vote has been respected by all associations. The registration as an organization in accordance with international law has been initiated.  The Professional Associations of ten European Countries currently rep­resent and articulate the needs and ideas of their practitioners.

The differences in the application of TCM in Europe have been taken into account by creating a framework for special sections in order to give each group of therapists (MD or Non-MD) the possibility to fully represent their members.

The goal of a simple, workable and inexpensive structure, affordable also for small associations in Europe has been met. The principles of democracy in Europe have been respected.

We are honored to invite you to represent your association in the structuring process of the Register for TCM covering Education and Professional Practice in the European Community.

In order to regulate and improve TCM in Europe your participation as representative of your school, professional organization or clinic is necessary. Opinions and ideas have to be heard, to be respected.

If you are interested in joining us, please fill in the forms attached and send them back to me. Once we have received your papers, you will receive a reply concerning your application within one month.

If you want more information, please contact also our website http://www.eurotcm.com

Or contact eurotcm@skynet.be


Yours sincerely


Dr. Jozef  Lucký                                                                           Danny Van Laethem

President EUROTCM                                                                    Secretary General EUROTCM


Wilfried Legein                                                                              Dr Bärbel Daskaloff, M.Ac.

1st Vice President                                                                           2nd Vice President



EUROTCM membership requirements :




1.1.           Registration fee :

1.2.           € 200 before 1st January  2004  

1.3.           € 300 after 1st   January 2004


1.2.     Annual fee for ECOTCM :

            € 300 + FREE promotion of association on Internet 


ECOTCM is only for schools and colleges


1.3.     Annual fee for PROTCM : 

            € 100 + € 1 per member (= list of recognized therapists on a  List of the Internet Site). 


PROTCM is only for professional organizations, scientific & research organizations, clinics (hospitals) with minimum 5 TCM-therapists.


1.4.     Pearl :

PEARL constitutes the licensing and registration body of EUROTCM. There is no possibility to sign up for PEARL and thus no annual fee. 5 commissioners are voted by the General Assembly during the Annual Convention every two years.



note: Fees are always per calendar year (e.g. if you become member in June, you should pay also the normal fee)

















2. Examples

* Example 1. College A wishes to be member of ECOTCM

€ 300 (once, single payment)

€ 300 annual fee for ECOTCM      

= € 600 (300 + 300) : for the first year membership


From the 2nd year only € 300 / year  

This college has 1 delegate qualifying for 1 vote at the Annual Convention (AC), as official member of ECOTCM


* Example 2 . Professional organization B (with 180 members) wishes to be member of  PROTCM

€ 300 (once, single payment)

€ 100 annual fee + 1 euro per member (180) for PROTCM

= € 580  (300 + 100 + 180) for the first year membership


From the 2nd year only € 280/ year (100 + 180)

This association has 1 delegate qualifying for 1 vote at  the  AC as official member of PROTCM





4th European Congress of TCM

 3rd  Annual Con­vention of EUROTCM

Czech Republic, Praha, 2004

Date :  September 30 – October 3




5th European Congress of TCM

 4th  Annual Con­vention of EUROTCM

Germany, Berlin, 2005

Date :  September 30 – October 2








Please fill in, make a copy for yourself, and send back as soon as possible


general information


Full name of applicant


Abbreviated name






Postal code


















ECOTCM (schools & colleges only)

















PROTCM (professional organisations, clinics, hospitals, scientific organisations)

















detail information




Contact Person


No. of teachers


No. of employees


No. of members


No. of locations




PROTCM members: it is possible to announce your members (Acupuncturists, Tuina therapists, Qigong Mas­ters, Herbologists etc.) on the list of your country at the EUROTCM Internet Site. 

Mention here your URL : ………………………………………………………………….





To send by e-mail or Floppy / CD-Rom by Postal Service


1) colleges, schools :

-         statutes (draft, memorandum and articles)

-         list & curriculum vitae of all teachers (qualification)


2) professional organisations, scientific organisations, clinics (hospitals)

-         statutes (draft, memorandum and articles)

-         eventual internal regulations

-         member list in excel file


Please wait to pay till you have received an answer from the Secretary General. Only after the Secretary has received the application, he will send you a detailed note for payment. Later on, you will send the other data. Only when your dossier & payment are complete, you will enjoy full membership and will be listed on the EUROTCM Internet Site.







Send application to


Danny Van Laethem

Secretary General

c/o EUROTCM - Secretary

Kerkgate 89 - 9700 Oudenaarde (Mater) - Belgium

Fax : (32)(0)55 456576

Email : eurotcm@skynet.be















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sulla medicina naturale o alternativa. Per qualsiasi problema di salute personale
si raccomanda di consultare sempre il proprio medico di fiducia.
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Organo Ufficiale della Consulta Nazionale di Medicina Naturale.